Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Cutest Pinterest/Blog steal ever!  

Hi all.
I was wholeheartedly indulging my addiction aka as surfing Pinterest and found these adorable decorated supply buckets. Of course they are from the very creative and talented Maria from Kinder-Craze. Well you just have to jump over there and check them out cause she is giving a set away!
She also has DIY instructions. Her instructions are very well written but I don't have a Cricut so I made my own using Washi tape and some huge neon colored labels that I found on sale. The labels can be computer printed so that's fun choosing which font to use. The paint buckets are from Michael's.
Here is my version which I will use to keep the class supply of markers and thin markers. If Micheal's had more buckets I would rush out to buy them all up. The other bucket will be on my shelf to hold my fancy pencils and pens - I need a pic of the pencils and pens because they are a very successful form of reward. When they sit and listen or share things etc. I let them choose one of my fancy pens for writing practice. - Hey new blog post idea!

I don't think instructions are needed but I did want to let you know that the labels are Avery 5168 - there are 10 labels to a sheet and Office Depot had them on sale.

Thanks Maria for the inspiration!

Oh a quick PS - I had a dickens of a time getting them open. I was grunting and groaning, turning up to the light to see if it was taped - pretty much providing my hubby with a lot of comic relief. I think he might have even dampened his Depends he was laughing so loud and hard. After he recovered from his head injury laughing he showed me how to open it- just as any paint can is opened. Just put that little silver thingie that actually comes with each can inside the rim and pop it off. Here is a pic to help any of you out who are also a tad paint-can-opening impaired: